miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Mothers United for the Rehabilitation of their Children A.

Our Civil Association located in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. would like to pull your attention towards an altruist cause. We’re ‘’Pasitos de Luz’’ an organization founded to achieve the rehabilitation of our children, such as, taking care of their basic necessities, due to their physical and intellectual disabilities and also their extreme

poverty. All these children, without an exception, have disabilities like: kids with: Cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism, Silent, Blind and with any other disabilities. 

Our organization offers all expense paid services, special education, medical specialists, medicine, family support, speech therapy, LOVE, child daycare, physical rehabilitation, nutrition, paint workshops, recreation and hygiene. All expense paid services. Nowadays the house we are working in does not belong to us and one of our projects is to have our own house in which it will be possible to benefit even more children, improve the quality and amplify our services.

We need of your help as a volunteer, sponsor, professional support and also money.

Web-sites: www.pasitosdeluz.org
•We are a Civil Association which is registered in IJAS(Instituto Jalisciense de Asistencia Social) (Of.110-070-(5.160)1360-2007)
•We are registered in Hacienda R.F.C. MUR0023LL1
•We have authorization to recieve donations. ''Diario Oficial de la Federación''. Ever since January 9th 2008
•This is our bank account: 0146647480 ( Mamas Unidas por la Rehabilitación de sus Hijos A.C.)
•We can pass for your money donations and if you would like a receipt please contact us.

For more information please contact us at 2994146 or 2993605.

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